While I spend a lot of time writing source code, I spend even more time designing test cases, creating extensive documentation, and orchestrating sprints.
Test Driven Development
Unit testing, Test-first Development
Dev Tools:
- Neovim
- Tmux / Tmuxinator
- iPDB
- Pycharm debugger
- ngrok
- git/svn
- Zsh
- Terminal
Design Tools:
- Photoshop
- After Effects
- Premier
- Gimp
- Sketch

Full-stack Developer
I tend to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life.
Languages I speak
Python, Javascript, C, C++, Java, SQL, PHP, Lua, SourcePawn, HTML, CSS, R
- Django
- DjangoREST
- GeoDjango
- DjangoNinja
- FastAPI
- Flast
- Tornado
- Celery
- Jekyll
- Hugo
This web application is deployed entirely for free and Serverless to Github Pages using Jekyll as a static site generator.
Platform Engineering is one of my favorite aspects of application construction. Deploying services to whichever infrasructure fits their requirements best is one of the most fun things on earth.
Deployment Tools:
Now with 100% less
Feature Toggles
in Canary deployments.
- Kubernetes
- Istio
- Envoy
- Docker
- Canary Deployments
- Datadog / Dynatrace
- Jenkins / CircleCI
- RabbitMQ
- Redis