Alpine Linux is Mandatory

Jan 19, 2019

Alpine Linux can be one of the most useful tools in your DevOps arsenal once you know how to use it.

Depending on the complexity of your use case, it will be a true test of your Docker skills and once you get it down you will have learned so much along the way… or you may just be able to use a default image and be fine with no hassle! Regardless here you’ll learn what the hype about Alpine Linux containers is all about and how you can go about creating them when you need to.

You’ve probably seen a lot of Docker image tags ending in :alpine, :alpine-3.8, :alpine-edge, and are wondering what the heck those mean. At its core, Alpine Linux is a much more minimal Linux distribution that does not come with as many built-in features. This is intended though, because with less of what you don’t need you can build the image to have only what you do need. This helps cuts down the size of your images which ultimately decreases the time that it takes to start your containers. Additionally your container will be optimized to run operations only useful for your application. This means no Bloat-ware that takes up your system resources in these containers!

This is what makes Alpine Suckless.

For most of you that can use a standard docker image for your use case like python:3-alpine, that is all you really need to know about Alpine because all of the build work is already done for you. For the rest of you who need to know how it works, strap in!

Let’s take a look at an example Alpine Dockerfile that builds all of the system libraries and dependencies that you need to run curl

FROM alpine:3.8

RUN apk add --no-cache curl

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/curl"]

The --no-cache option for the apk package manager is important because it allows all of the source files used to build the shared objects and executables to be deleted from the system after building. This means that you will only be left with the executables after the command runs. This can be an issue for specific builds where the libraries of certain packages are required to build or use other packages.

The solution to this problem is to use the --virtual option when installing apk packages which allows you to specify a virtual directory to temporarily store all of the libraries, source code, and executables inside of and manually delete that directory after you’ve built the package that you need by running apk del .dir-name at any point in the image build process that you would like. Or, if you need those libraries and shared objects during production usage, you can simply run apk add package-name and it will keep everything like a normal package manager would.

Consider installing vim which requires gcc to build:

FROM alpine:3.8

RUN apk add --virtual .build-deps gcc \
    && apk add vim \
    && apk del .build-deps

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/vim"]

Here you download and build gcc and then build vim but are only left with the vim executable because you delete the directory where gcc was installed and now gcc is no longer installed

This is the crux of most peoples strife’s with Alpine Linux: build dependency issues. Since Alpine is able to give you such small images, it sometimes has to compromise with compatibility with specific packages, and when packages update and you’re building using :alpine-latest, you’re in for some big trouble if those packages don’t. Better hope you have your Docker build layers cached up to that point in the Dockerfile!

The art of creating a good, minimal Alpine Linux container comes from being very intimate with your library versions and build requirements. The only thing that will help you with this is practice, so go try making an alpine version of your build!

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